"Gafflwn Dihenydd, o'r fuddugol yn wiriol sydd.
Ni fydd neb yn ein Drechu, Falch ydy ni i drochu,
Traed o flaen i'r Annwn, mewn y gwybodaeth fe godwn ni."

The Archambeaus

Echoes of the Past

"We cheat Death from his rightful victory.
No one can defeat us. We are glad to plunge
Feet first into hell in the knowledge that we will rise."
-The Politics and the Life

About Us

Hello!We're Gael and Tea, and like our characters, we're also married. We have been writing together since about 2017, and married since 2020. Our writing style tends to be para and mirror, with Gael writing more descriptively and Tea writing more introspectively.While we are not opposed to one-on-one roleplay, our characters do tend to be at one another's side, more often than not. Neither of us are looking for ERP or romantic interests, and anything in that direction will need to be considered by all parties on a case-by-case basis.Themes for both: Dark, Open World, Casual, Serious, Violent.
Themes for Gael: Comical
Themes for Deydri: Alchemy, Philosophical

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